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Hey There,

I’m Tess McWhorter and I am a multi-disciplined, mixed media artist.

I make art so that I can connect to people in a way that makes sense to me, I have always been the outsider looking in and art brings those like me together. Art is a safe space and I want to be a safe space for others.

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I come from a very artistic family, though it skipped my immediate family! And growing up seeing and hearing about all the art my family created made me want to create as well, so from the time I could pick up a marker I have been drawing and as I got older I started trying out other mediums.
I have been drawing my whole life but really decided to take it seriously in 2016 and began taking art classes, from there I have honed a few different styles and mediums of art.


In 2018 I won an award for an acrylic painting I did titled "Going Bovine" at the Clackamas Community College Annual Student Art Show.


In 2019 I bought myself a drawing tablet so that I could still do art easily while taking care of a newborn and the rest has been history!

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